
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My "Lilly Bag"

Shortly before Lilly's birth I bought a tote bag from my sweet friend K. I had actually bought one for my oldest daughter earlier as a gift. She loved the tote bag so much and we found it was very sturdy. So I decided I wanted one too. K. let me look through her stacks of material to decide what I liked best. For some reason I was pulled to a print with American flags and cowboys. I have no idea why other than I liked old stories about cowboys. But I took the bag home and decided I would pack some of my stuff for the hospital in it, in preparation for Lilly's birth.

Lilly was due June 17 but held off and made her entrance into the world on July 4. (She decided that would be her "Independence Day.") As my husband picked up my tote bag at the hospital for me, I suddenly smiled at the American flags all over the bag. It suddenly seemed so fitting when I thought of the bag with the date of Lilly's birth. I dubbed the bag my "Lilly Bag."

When Lilly spent her 23 days in the hospital in Fla., every day I went to the hospital and I had my "Lilly Bag" with me. It brought me comfort in a funny way. Each morning I packed that bag full of books and my giant 3-ring binder full of Lilly's medical notes. It held up great.

When we got home I told my friend K. that I'd like to buy some more from her. One for my son, one for Lilly, and one extra. Once again I sat down with K.'s big stack of material. So many wonderful choices! However Lilly's bag was the easiest to pick. The material has a pond scene with LILY pads, flowers, butterflies, etc. And the lining is purple with dragonflies.

Now one of the very best things about buying a tote bag from K. is that all profits go to benefit orphans and adoption. She sells the bags for a little business she has called "Crafting Adoptions." Every cent of the profits she makes goes to support several orphanages, including one for HIV+ children. Crafting Adoption's goal is to help finance as many adoptions as possible. K. has a special place in her heart for orphans as she and her husband adopted a precious special needs boy several years ago. They are planning to adopt more children in the future.

K. has an Etsy shop where she sells her tote bags. (She has a lot of material for tote bags not posted.) She also also knits and sells baby hats and shoes (watch my blog for pictures of Lilly modeling some of these items soon!) and warm and cold therapy bags. And if you live in this area, she bakes and sells the most delicious pies, cakes, and brownie and muffin mixes. Yum ... I'm thinking now of her cinnamon rolls! :P

Please check out K.'s Etsy shop at:

It's so satisfying to buy useful items and help support orphans and adoptions too! :)

"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, . . . ." James 1:27


  1. i was just admiring tabby's bag on saturday:)

  2. What a wonderful post...will check out the Etsy site. Love to you! Kisses from Cousin Sandra!

  3. Oh Lilly! We could fit you in there!!
    :)I could carry you like that in the store.... But! The best thing we could do-I know thing would NOT work- is put
    you and your pump in the bag!!!

  4. Wonderfull story. Thank you for sharing all youre precious moments with us every day :-)

  5. Amazing that you chose flags.... :) and here I was thinking she waited till I could be there to see her, when really she was waiting so she could fulfill your prophesy. lol
