
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lilly loves ceiling fans

Lilly has finally made it to the baby stage where she loves ceiling fans. She smiles and talks to them. Every night, part of our routine is when Lilly and I snuggle in bed. We turn on the ceiling fan and she smiles and starts loudly talking to it. It's just too funny. When she finally tires and gets sleepy, I lay her in her co-sleeper next to me.

Below is a little video of her conversing with her beloved ceiling fan. (She's usually MUCH more chatty with it but of course gets completely distracted when I turn on my camera.)

Funny thing - when I loaded this video and watched it to make sure it worked, Lilly heard herself and started answering back. She was probably thinking "Who is that person that speaks my language?!"


  1. That was soooooooooo cute, Lilly!
    I liked when last night you talked to yourself!!!! - I mean- on the video.

    Big Sister

  2. Please make some more videos Lilly. Youre soo cute and i love your talking :-)

  3. I just want to kiss those cheeks!
