
Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 16: Support

This is is my sixteenth post in a series of seventeen.  17 days of remembering Lilly's 17 months of life as we approach her one year angelversary.

 "The Big Day" is tomorrow.  One year since Lilly was taken from our arms.  When I started posting this series I was dreading the 15th.  I felt really really nervous about it. Yes, even scared.

But now that we're almost there, I actually feel mostly at peace.  Sad.  But at peace.

That means people are praying.  Many people must be praying for us.

Thank you.

 Thank you to everyone who has given us such love and support ever since we learned that there might be something wrong with Lilly.  Thank you to all the people who took the time to learn about Lilly.  Thank you to everyone that has read/still reads this blog.  Thank you to our families.  I feel we drew closer because of Lilly.  Thank you to our friends - both old and new - we are so grateful for you.  Thank you to the many many strangers that have spoken words of kindness to us.  Thank you to Lilly's doctors that grew to love her as they cared for her.

A special thank you to the families in the "Trisomy" world.  We have a deep bond with so many of these families now.  Both angel families and families who still have living Trisomy children.  There are so many of you I have grown to love and appreciate.  I am thankful for the way we bond together.  The way we're there when we need each other.  The way we truly understand each other like no one else can.

I am thankful for my husband Frank and our children, Tabby, Hunter, and Solomon.  We all loved Lilly and still love her.  We are there for each other and smile and cry together.

"We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.”  - 1 Thessalonians 1:2

I am thankful, most of all, to my Lord for creating Lilly just as she was, and entrusting her to us for 17 months. 

I love what this ornament says, that we received yesterday from the B. family in memory of Lilly - "Fearfully & Wonderfully made - Lillian Eva Hollowell - 7.4.2010-12.15.12 - Now in the arms of Jesus"

And while Lilly is safe in Jesus's arms, I am grateful to God for sending us our rainbow baby to hold and care for.  He has helped to ease the ache in our arms.  Solomon will be 3 months old tomorrow, on big sister Lilly's angelversary.

1 comment:

  1. So thankful you are feeling peace.

    "As soon as I became your Savior, heaven became your ultimate destination. The phrase 'hope of heaven' highlights the benefits you can enjoy even while remaining on earth. This hope keeps you spiritually alive during dark times of adversity; it brightens your path and brightens your awareness of My presence. My desire is that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
    --Jesus Calling (Dec 15 reading)
