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The story of our precious little girl's 17 months of life with Trisomy 18 (July 4, 2010 - December 15, 2011) and of us, re-learning to live "after Lilly."
"I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made ...." Psalm 139:14

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Of Mice and Me

I don't remember if I've actually ever read John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men but that title popped in my head yesterday as I encountered more mice goodies.  I've had several people ask if we've seen any more mice since my recent post about one that we trapped.  The answer is "yes" - we caught two more in traps in the attic.  Frank was home when I found them, so he got the fun job of disposing of the bodies.  We haven't caught any since though, so we think we may have wiped out that family.  Yesterday I was sorting through some bags of clothes that I brought down from the attic.  In one I found a big stash of sunflower seeds from the bird feeder.  In the other there was several handfuls of pecans.  Hopefully those were stored up supplies from the dead mice.  But ... we'll keep our traps set to welcome any more invaders!

The big sisters of Trisomy 18 angel Hannah Kwant are some very talented seamstresses.  Cassie has a blog and an Etsy shop where she sells things she makes in honor of Hannah.  She has started a line of "Beary Sweet Outfits".  These clothes fit bears like our LillyBear.  (Bears in memory of an angel child.)  Of course they'll fit "regular" bears too.  Here is LillyBear modeling one of Cassie's creations:

Tabby wanted me to share an outfit that Cassie's sister Heidi made for Tabby's doll named Jade.  (It's by the American Girls company)  Heidi sells doll clothes on the Etsy site

With our recent move and the birth of Solomon 4 months ago, my life has felt pretty crazy.  My hospital donation project still has not yet happened.  I had planned to donate everything in December.  But life has kept me too busy.  Still, I am working hard to try and wrap up my last projects.  Most of it is done.  Today I finished the 17 memory boxes.  I have them for girls, boys, and the green ones are for either:

Today as I was sorting through some pictures, I found this one, which I framed.  I love how Lilly used to look at me.  She did enjoy looking at her family, and when she was older she would smile!  (She is 4 days old in this photo):

"The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost." -G.K. Chesterton

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