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The story of our precious little girl's 17 months of life with Trisomy 18 (July 4, 2010 - December 15, 2011) and of us, re-learning to live "after Lilly."
"I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made ...." Psalm 139:14

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

17 months and 11 days

Lilly - 17 months
Lilly passed away 11 days after she turned 17 months old.  That's 529 days of life on earth.  Today her little brother Solomon reached that date - 17 months and 11 days. 

What a difference in their lives. 

During my pregnancy with Solomon, and for awhile after he was born, I struggled with a lot of fears that he would die.  He's also been sick twice.  Both times it scared me, even though neither illness was anything out of the ordinary.  But that was just me reacting to the past.  To Lilly and her fragile health.

Overall though, during Solomon's life, the time has passed much more peacefully.  Most days are pretty ordinary.  Lilly's life was jam packed from the start!  There was rarely a dull moment with her it seems, and when there was, I relaxed and enjoyed it.

Even though I know that life is fragile, and any one of us could die at any time, there is a world of difference holding a child that you are being told will die at any moment than one that is expected to live "normally."

"A person’s days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed." - Job 14:5

Here is the very last picture I ever took of Lilly.  I took it the night before she died.  She's happy hanging out with her big sister Tabby:

Two snuggly girls in pink
 Miss you sweet baby!

Here is a picture of Solomon from today, his 529th day:

brushin' my hair
Solomon is a busy little guy.  He loves his routines, being outside, climbing, getting into my kitchen cabinets, and playing in the bathtub.  He likes the stacking and sorting types of toys.  And books.  He loves books!  Especially if they are about cars and trucks.  He can talk a little, and uses some sign language.  One of his very favorite things to do is to help his big brother bring in firewood:

I remain eternally grateful to God for my rainbow baby!  (I know, he's not officially a "baby" anymore)

"You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy," - Psalm 30:11

I look forward to one day sharing all about Lilly's life with Solomon.  I just know he'll be as proud of his big sister as we are.



  1. From a distance it sure seems that Solomon's have gone by faster than Lilly's. Makes me think of trying to make the most of every day we have with our children. I know I often don't. (btw- way to go big boys carrying in the wood!)

  2. Such a sweet post to honor this day. Filled with the same grace and love that you always seem to have! I love the sister picture so very sweet and special!
