Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Liquid whole foods coming soon ...
Here's a picture of Lilly with her brand new Vitamix mixer. This is the "mother of all mixers." It can even liquify chicken! I got it because mouth feeding is still going so terribly slow with Lilly and I want to start getting some bigger quantities of real food into her belly. Right now she is still getting fed breastmilk with her supplements added in. (StemKine and VitAloe.) But since she's 13.5 months old now she needs more nutritionally I think. I really don't want to go with man made formulas, especially since formula tended to upset her stomach so badly when we were adding it in when she was younger.
So I've been researching real foods and g-tubes. The one thing everyone said is you gotta have a really good blender, like the Vitamix and that my KitchenAid wasn't going to cut it. I'm excited about this process. I have a need in me to make my children's food and that includes Lilly, even if she does mainly eat through her g-tube.
Anyone that knows anything about a Vitamix knows they are crazy expensive. However, in my research online I found that they have a "medical necessity program" where qualified people can get a nice discount on one. I got a refurbished one which made the price even lower.
[If you're someone that would like to do this here's the proceedure: have your doctor fax Vitamix a note on letterhead saying why your child (or you!) needs a Vitamix (feeding by g-tube is the reason we gave). Have them put your name and phone number in that note. Have the doctor fax to "Sue" at Vitamix (440) 235-3726. When she get's it she will contact you and you can purchase the blender by phone.]
Speaking of g-tubes, yesterday was an absolutely crazy g-tube day for Lilly. Her g-tube button got pulled out of her not once, but twice! It was horrible but at least I knew how to put it back in and the procedure was so much easier for both of us as compared to when I used to have to put the NG tube up her nose. Then in the evening, she was napping and the milk pump tubing came out of the g-tube extension and milk was everywhere before we realized. Guess she was pulling Cleopatra bathing in milk again. Thankfully today is going smoothly with the g-tube!
"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31
Monday, August 15, 2011
Lilly learns to laugh!
Last Friday, Lilly was in her bouncy seat on our kitchen table as usual, while we ate dinner. She suddenly started making a noise that sounded a bit like a fuss. But her whole face was lit up and she had the biggest smile. She kept doing it and smiling the whole time. We wondered if she was laughing. And then on Sunday she did it again. And again today! So yay!!!! Lilly has finally learned to laugh. What a blessing to us all. :)
"A joyful heart is good medicine . . . ." - Proverbs 17:22
I just got an appointment for Lilly's heart catherization. She is scheduled for next week, on Thursday morning. Please be praying that she will handle the anesthesia just fine.
Also last Friday, Lilly's occupational therapist brought some little splints for her hands. They are to help her open up her hands. She is doing pretty well with her right hand on her own, but her left hand needs help. And on both hands she needs to learn to not clench in her thumbs so tight. Lilly is wearing the gloves overnight.
Here is Lilly modeling the splints the first day she got them:
An up close shot - you can see her thumb sticking out a little - she has plenty of growing room:
Sleeping beauty:
"A joyful heart is good medicine . . . ." - Proverbs 17:22
I just got an appointment for Lilly's heart catherization. She is scheduled for next week, on Thursday morning. Please be praying that she will handle the anesthesia just fine.
Also last Friday, Lilly's occupational therapist brought some little splints for her hands. They are to help her open up her hands. She is doing pretty well with her right hand on her own, but her left hand needs help. And on both hands she needs to learn to not clench in her thumbs so tight. Lilly is wearing the gloves overnight.
Here is Lilly modeling the splints the first day she got them:
An up close shot - you can see her thumb sticking out a little - she has plenty of growing room:
Sleeping beauty:
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Lilly's first boat ride
Yesterday was my husband's birthday and we celebrated by going out-of-town to go boating with one of his childhood friends. This has been a pretty rough year for us and it was a welcomed break to spend an afternoon just having fun. The weather was amazingly perfect. Warm, but not hot or humid, and a nice breeze. Lilly seemed to enjoy herself and stayed awake almost the whole time just looking around.
Here is a picture of Lilly using her special powers to drive the boat and ...
Here is a picture of Lilly using her special powers to drive the boat and ...
Pull her daddy on a wake board:
Lilly enjoyed laying on the tube too though she was disappointed there was not a life jacket small enough for her to wear so she could actually ride it on the water:
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Lilly books
Our family loves books. Reading time is a sacred thing in our home! Our bookshelves threaten to overrun us, we have so many. My husband and I often say "so many books to read, so little time!" Reminds me of what King Solomon wrote:
". . . Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body." - Ecclesiastes 12:12
Library day is an exciting day. Lilly got to go with us yesterday since it is summer and not the scary-dangerous-flu-season yet. She enjoyed getting out. Today's first picture is of Lilly helping big sister search for a book at the library computer.
At our home we have three special "Lilly books." In today's second picture you can see two pink books with Lilly on the cover. These are books I have had printed off her blog. Volume 1 is from when I started the blog last August through the end of the year. Volume 2 is this year January 1 - June 30. They are wonderful keepsakes for us. I got three printed of each: one for me, one for my older daughter, and one that I have put up for my son for when he's old enough. We had the books printed by:
A number of you have said you miss the picture of Lilly's smiling face that we used to have as our blog header. If you scroll to the bottom of this webpage, you can see that picture again. :)
The last two pictures are of Lilly's medical records notebook. This enormous tome is in a 3 inch binder and weighs over 7 lbs. It's the kind of thing I'd grab if there were a fire in the house! It has all of Lilly's medical information and therapy information. I take it to all her appointments with us and of course hospitalizations. It has proved many times to be invaluable. The nurses have all thought it was great and can even easily find information they need in it.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Cardiologist update
Weight check 12 lbs. 6 oz. (no change here but that is normal for Lilly's age)
Yesterday Lilly had an appointment with Dr. R, her cardiologist. It was a good appointment. The echo showed no worsening in the heart.
Dr. R said that he had talked to Dr. E at Wolfson's Children's Hospital in Jacksonville, FL. (Lilly had a pulmonary artery band put on by the surgeon at this hospital last fall.) Earlier this spring that hospital made the decision not to do Lilly's needed VSD repair surgery (she has a large hole in her heart). However, because Lilly's heart has actually slightly improved since that decision, they have reconsidered and are open to doing the surgery. Dr. E said they want to do what's best for Lilly to have the longest life possible with us.
But first they want Lilly to have a heart catherization done. She will have to be put out under anesthesia and then Dr. R will make an incision in her upper thigh area and go in to her blood vessels with a catheter (about the size of a spaghetti noodle) and go up to the heart and measure pressures there. (I think I got that right!) It is usually an out patient procedure, but they may keep Lilly overnight just to be sure she's OK. We should be getting an appointment set up this week and the procedure will most likely happen in 2 weeks.
If everything goes well with the heart catherization, then Dr. E said they most likely will do the surgery on Lilly. He said that they are willing. Dr. R wants to see the surgery happen in the next 4-8 weeks. We all want Lilly to have it before the dangerous flu season begins.
Because Lilly is doing so well right now, and her breathing is good (other than the usual congestion in her head) Dr. R said let's stop giving Lilly her Lasix. We're just to listen closely for coughing, or a rattling or wet sound in her lungs. This is very good as I've been hearing from other mom's of Trisomy 18 children that Lasix is hard on the kidneys and can cause kidney stones. Dr. R agreed with this. T-18 kids tend to have kidney problems. Lilly will soon be having her kidneys scanned to check for any issues. This is supposed to be done yearly throughout her life.
As we left Lilly's appointment yesterday, I told my husband (for the zillionth time) I have learned way more medical stuff than I have ever had any desire too. My criminal justice background did not prepare me for this! We also talked about the amazing things modern medicine can do. Without it, Lilly would probably not be alive, unless God had performed a miracle in her after birth. (She just did not have the strength to eat enough.) And, we talked about how blessed we were that Lilly was born in this time period. It is amazing how many babies and young children died in past times, and that was sadly normal. (As a family we're reading the Susanna Wesley story (mother of the famous Christians John and Charles) and in her life Susanna had 19 children - 9 of which died young.) In this day and time, we just assume our children will live normal lives. And really that is very presumptuous of us.
"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." - James 4:14
Saturday, August 6, 2011
The kindness of strangers
(1st picture) Lilly loves her big brother! And he frequently tells her that he loves her too. :)
Lilly continues to have physical therapy each week (right now Friday mornings). Yesterday Lilly started occupational therapy. The occupational therapist (O.T.) is to work with Lilly's fine motor skills. She worked a lot with Lilly's hands and said she would order her some splints right away to train them to open more. She showed me a number of exercises to do with Lilly's hands each day, in additional the stretching and massaging we already were doing. We had hoped the O.T. would be able to work with Lilly for mouth feeding, but she decided she wasn't specialized enough to help Lilly with that.
(2nd picture) A couple weeks ago, a family at church brought Lilly a gift basket that a neighbor had made for her. The basket was beautifully decorated with flowers. (I was actually surprised at the impression that special touch made on me. I guess in this hurry up world of gift bags where you toss in the present and shove a few pieces of tissue paper in, something beautifully done with a little thought really does make quite a statement!) The woman put in a card and a nice sweater for Lilly. We were so touched. It was definitely another "Lilly Blessing!"
One thing in our Lilly journey that has continued to amaze us and make a huge impression on us is the number of strangers that have reached out to us. We have received hundreds of cards from people we don't know, gifts from strangers, supportive blog comments from many people we've never met, and the prayers of thousands and thousands of people. Just this morning I checked this blog's stats section and saw that people had recently visited Lilly's blog from countries far away like Romania, Germany, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Slovenia, the Netherlands, and New Zealand. (Hey "Carol from New Zealand" - thanks for all your blog comments! We are grateful for your support.)
As I have posted here, my father-in-law has recently passed away. His visitation (viewing), funeral, and burial were all the same day. When we arrived for the visitation, my son had just fallen asleep and Lilly was drifting off. So we decided it was best I stay in the car with them and let them get a good nap before the funeral. When my husband finally came out and got us, we had just a few minutes to meet people. He carried Lilly in and I tell you it was like a little celebrity coming into the room. People flocked all around her to see the Lilly that they had been reading about and praying for. Once again we were just stunned at the number of people that said they frequently read Lilly's blog and pray for her and us. More Lilly Blessings.
My husband and I tend to be introverts. But one thing we've been learning, from the example of so many, is how to reach out better to others. We've done all sorts of things that we probably never would have thought of doing before. What amazing examples God has sent us. Hmmmm ... having a child with Trisomy 18 is not only faith building, it's also character building!
"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." - Hebrews 13:2
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in," - Matthew 25:35
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
13 Months Old! And Jesus in the room
[picture - I never get tired of looking at sleeping children!]
Happy 13 month birthday Lilly! And happy birthday to Lilly's friend Giuliana who made it to one year old today! Another miracle baby!
Yesterday Lilly and I were gone from home half the day for appointments with her audiologist and ear-nose-throat doctor.
The audiologist went over the results of Lilly's hearing test (done in May) in more detail than she had previously done on the phone. She showed me on a chart what types of sounds Lilly most likely heard. Lilly hears better in her right ear and in that ear should hear most of what we say. Though there are some letters in words that she may be missing. But not in her left ear. That ear needs louder sounds like dogs barking, vacuums, or babies crying. She did a few hearing tests on Lilly while we were there. Lilly cried when she looked into her ears, but did find otherwise. The audiologist did say that for Lilly much of the transmission gets lost in her ear canals because they are so incredibly tiny. But, as Lilly grows, then hopefully her ear canals will grow, and then she will hear better.
We talked about hearing aids and I said that we weren't going to pursue it now because Lilly did respond to our voices. Probably a good thing as she noted that the tops of Lilly's ears are so thin and soft and that it would be tricky to get hearing aids to stay in them. (They'd need tape.) (I knew her ears were really floppy but hadn't considered that before. But I know if I put sunglasses on Lilly and they don't have a strap to keep them up and on, the sides of the glasses push her ears down.)
After that appointment we had a long wait to see the ENT. (We should have only waited about 25 minutes, but they were running ONE HOUR behind. Sigh.) Nothing really to tell of that appointment - the two doctors she saw asked a lot about Lilly's breathing. They said that once she had her heart surgery, the pulmonologist would probably start weaning Lilly off night time oxygen. Yay!!!!!!!!
We had an interesting experience while waiting in between appointments. We were in a little waiting room were a steady stream of people were coming in and being called out. At one point a woman came in with her baby and mother. They smiled and asked how old Lilly was. When I said "one year" they both looked quite startled, especially when I said "no Lilly was not a preemie but was born 2.5 weeks late." The woman's baby was 10 months and even though not chunky like Lilly, looked so big next to Lilly. When I explained about the Trisomy 18 and that Lilly was now one and that made her one of only 10 percent that survive that long, the mother loudly exclaimed, "I KNEW I felt Jesus in this room when we walked in!!!" I smiled and told her we gave God the glory for Lilly being here with us. Then we all smiled and they amened. Praise the Lord! :)
"However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"-- 1 Corinthians 2:9
Monday, August 1, 2011
Staying cool ...
The weather here has been so hot. Very humid and upper 90s-low 100s. Not good weather to take Lilly outside. So she has been keeping busy inside and staying cool.
Grabbing and bopping her toys in her bouncy seat:
Swinging until she gets sleepy from the motion:
Sending e-mail on her laptop:
Playing with her caterpillar which ALWAYS makes her smile:
Playing outside on the slip 'n slide - daddy pushes her down it and she gets the biggest grin!:
Grabbing and bopping her toys in her bouncy seat:
Swinging until she gets sleepy from the motion:
Sending e-mail on her laptop:
Playing with her caterpillar which ALWAYS makes her smile:
Playing outside on the slip 'n slide - daddy pushes her down it and she gets the biggest grin!:
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