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The story of our precious little girl's 17 months of life with Trisomy 18 (July 4, 2010 - December 15, 2011) and of us, re-learning to live "after Lilly."
"I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made ...." Psalm 139:14

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

30 Days of Thankfulness - Days 8-11 + Solomon's face

If you live where we do, you are rejoicing to see the sun today!  After what seems like weeks of grey skies and rain, we finally got to see the glorious sun yesterday afternoon and today there is not a cloud in the sky!  Adding to my happiness, we are back online after having our internet down for a bit.  :)

Before catching up on my days of thankfulness, I wanted to share about the lump on Solomon's cheek.  If you see him, you can tell it's getting worse looking and I've started getting a lot of questions about it, even from strangers.

The lump first appeared this summer and we thought it was probably a bug bite.  But it still hasn't gone away, and has gotten bigger and turned purplish.  I've tried putting several things on it, but nothing has helped.  In September his pediatrician recommended he see a dermatologist if it didn't get better soon, that it might be a cyst.  Since it didn't get better, and it has really been bothering him (he seems to bump it all the time), I took him to the dermatologist this past Monday. 

Two doctors saw him and did lots of technical talk to each other so I'm not really sure exactly what they decided it was - if they did.  They gave me an antibiotic for him and said that it would flush the toxins to the surface.  Then they said he needed to see a plastic surgeon to have it removed.  The lump needs to be drained and some sort of cellular sac extracted then the mass tested to be sure everything is fine.  If a plastic surgeon does it, then there is less chance of scarring to Solomon's face.

Easier said than done.  Do you know how hard it is to get an appointment with a plastic surgeon this time of year?  I didn't know either until I tried.  They are all booked up through the end of the year!  Apparently people have met their insurance deductibles for the year and have scheduled work to be done and, as one receptionist told me, they want to get work done to "look pretty" for the holidays.  Ugh.

Finally, after many phone calls, I finally found a plastic surgeon in Raleigh that agreed to see Solomon - for a consultation - at the end of next week.  Assuming that doctor agrees to help, surgery will be scheduled for later. 

In the meantime, I am sneaking in - while he sleeps - and covering the lump with some coconut oil mixed with a drop of frankincense essential oil. 

A few people have asked me if I'm terribly worried and really no - I'm not.  After living on the edge with Lilly - a person has to be deathly ill to scare me now.  I really don't think Solomon has cancer or anything terrible. But I am praying about it too.

Day 8 - Hot ginger tea

Sunday was rainy and cold.  That afternoon, I made some hot ginger tea and then sipped it while I read a little of a book explaining how to use my camera.  I don't like coffee and don't drink many teas, but I love my ginger tea with a little liquid orange stevia in it. 

Day 9 - My Lilly blog

I started this blog on August 12, 2010 (see my 1st post here).  The purpose was to keep people updated on Lilly and share prayer requests for her.  I had no idea there would soon be readers from all over the world and how many friends I would make through Lilly's blog.  After she died, I kept writing because it helped me grieve and feel closer to her.

I don't really feel much of a purpose in blogging anymore, other than maybe to keep friends and families updated with our current happenings, since I don't post much of that on Facebook.  It's funny though, every time I seriously contemplate quitting, I suddenly have several people tell me "Oh I still read your blog!"  "Thanks for continuing to post!"  "You seem to address a lot of the issues we currently face in our family - thanks!"  Etc.  That happened recently, so I'll keep blogging for now.  Oh, and I do like it for us.  It's a little family record with photos which my kids may appreciate some day.

Day 10 - Living in the country

Life has been exceptionally hectic the past few weeks, with us needing to be out for appointments or other meetings a lot.  It's wearing on me.  But after tomorrow, things should calm down a little.  After being out, I am always thankful to come home to our rural town. (It really isn't much of a town - there's not even one traffic light.)  I find it incredibly calming to look out our front door and see nothing but trees and a cow pasture.  I also love that we live in an old (Lilly colored!) farmhouse built in 1907.  I've wanted to live in an old house as long as I can remember. 

Day 11 - Sun!

After weeks of gloomy skies, I am rejoicing to see the sun!  I feel SO much happier and even want to skip and sing (not characteristic of me).  There are people that deny that sunlight has any physical effects on us, but I say they are completely wrong.

We enjoyed being outside so much for nature study today, that the boys stayed out to play.  (I'm not sure what kind of contraption Hunter has in his dog carrier.  And no it's not a dog!)

"From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!" - Psalm 113:3


  1. I love the pictures! :) And praying that that troublesome bump on Soloman's cheek will clear away soon. I miss you guys!

  2. Thank you Natalie! I miss you guys too.

  3. I'm so glad you still post. I love reading them. I'll be praying for Solomon's bump...

  4. So glad you will continue posting. I love reading your blog. Praying for little Solomon. Please keep us informed. Enjoy the sun we are having for a while now. I agree, too much rain and cloudy days can affect your moods!

    Ronna Pernell

  5. Thank you Ronna! I'll update about Solomon after his next appt. Enjoy another sunny day today!

  6. Oh I love your blog- it is so encouraging to me!!! I feel the same way somedays about my blog but I keep it as a journal for my family near and far:) I am loving fresh ginger and lemon tea right now it is so soothing!
